Food eQUITY Fund
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If you would like to contribute a larger, one time donation to the fund, please email me at
Food Equity is hard. It's a big subject, but we can all do our part to ensure that all of our neighbors can eat healthy, delicious produce, no matter their ability to pay.
The Food Equity Fund was created to help connect people and to help close the fresh food access gap. If you can comfortably afford produce at higher prices than what we charge, you can choose to contribute to your neighbors who can't afford the prices we need to charge as a farm to keep the spigot on. Contributions to the fund will be recorded and used as discounts at our farmers market, on our farm, or for our CSA shares to those who need it. Choose a one time contribution, or sign up to pay $5/week and those dollars will go directly into the Food Equity Fund.
We keep our prices as low as possible in order to accommodate the greatest number of people. Ecologically and socially responsible farming operates on incredibly slim margins. Your contributions not only enable food access, but enable more people to access food grown using methods that improve the damaged ecology and biology of our planet.
For those who would like to take advantage of the discount, please tell us at the farmers market, or email if you would like to use the discount on an online order. Discounts will be available while funds are available.